At PinkManor, we believe in fostering genuine collaborations and building meaningful relationships with influencers and content creators. Our PR policy aims to ensure transparency, authenticity, and mutual benefit for both the brand and our partners. Please familiarize yourself with the following guidelines before reaching out to us for collaboration:

  • Eligibility:
    We welcome influencers and content creators who align with our brand values and target audience. While we appreciate everyone's interest, we carefully select partners based on various factors, including audience engagement, content quality, and brand relevance.

  • Collaboration Types:

a. Sponsored Content: We offer partnerships for sponsored content where influencers create authentic, engaging, and original content featuring our products.
b. Giveaways and Contests: Occasionally, we may organize giveaways and contests in collaboration with influencers. These opportunities allow their followers to win our promo codes as prizes, fostering engagement and brand exposure.

  • Compensation:

We value the time, effort, and creativity of our partners. Compensation for collaborations will be discussed on an individual basis, considering factors such as the scope of the project, deliverables, and the influencer's reach.

  • Product Selection:

We do provide products solely for photoshoots However, we may offer our products at a discounted price for collaboration purposes. The selection of products will be based on mutual agreement, considering the influencer's preferences, target audience, and brand alignment.

  • Content Guidelines:

a. Authenticity: We encourage influencers to create genuine, original, and creative content that resonates with their audience and reflects our brand's values.
b. Quality and Professionalism: We expect high-quality content and a professional approach to collaborations. This includes adhering to deadlines, respecting copyrights, and maintaining a respectful and positive online presence.

Collaboration Process:

a. Initial Contact: To initiate a collaboration, please reach out to our PR team through the designated contact channels. reach out through social media platforms or through website.
b. Proposal and Agreement: Once we review your proposal, we will assess its alignment with our brand and objectives. If approved, we will provide you with a collaboration agreement outlining the scope, deliverables, compensation, and other relevant details.
c. Content Creation and Approval: We encourage open communication throughout the content creation process. You will have the opportunity to share drafts or concepts for review and feedback.
d. Promotion and Post-Collaboration: Once the content is approved, we will coordinate the timing of its publication and discuss additional promotional efforts, such as sharing on our social media channels or website.

Please note that our PR policy may be subject to updates or changes at our discretion. By collaborating with us, you agree to comply with these guidelines and any specific terms outlined in our collaboration agreement.

We look forward to potential collaborations and building a strong partnership with you. Together, let's create compelling content and engage with our shared audiences in an authentic and meaningful way.

PinkManor PR Team